
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Preschool and Toddler Activities!

One of the challenges of being a stay-at-home-mom is finding activities for your little one to keep them  engaged, entertained, and learning throughout the day - especially when you have children of varying ages! These are a few of our current favorite activities:

Bouncing Egg Experiment: You may have seen this one on Pinterest, as I did. We just couldn't wait to give it a try! There are a number of sites with directions for this activity, but we found ours here. For this activity, you only need two jars, enough vinegar to fill those jars, and one raw and one hard boiled egg. Place one egg in each jar, and fill to the top with vinegar. Mason jars work great because you can put a lid on them and then avoid the vinegar smell in your house for three days! Let your jars set for three full days - pouring out and refilling with fresh vinegar after the first day. It was fun to watch the changes in the eggshells as the days passed. And of course, the kids were amazed at the bouncing eggs! BONUS: You can make a colored bouncy egg by adding food coloring to the vinegar!!

Tape Art: I'd love to take credit for this idea, but we actually did this project at a friend's house. The kids had a great time making pictures from the tape. Emma was extremely proud of her finished products! All you need is paper and different colored masking tape or washi tape. This is a great activity to practice those fine motor skills, like cutting or tearing the tape, and placing it just where you want it to be. There's also a very little prep and clean up needed! I think next time we'll also practice making shapes and letters/numbers out of tape.

And, of course...

Read: Reading is one of the best activities you can do with your child at any age!

A few of Emma, Bryson, and Sophia's current favorites are:
My 3 good things for today are: 
  1. I am the mother of Emma.
  2. I am the mother of Bryson.
  3. I am the mother of Sophia.

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