
Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Family Date: Minnesota State Fair

It's important to me to have regular dates with my husband. But since he works long and hard to support our family on one income, we don't always have the time or the funds for a fancy night out - not to mention the added cost of a babysitter! So we are always on the lookout for fun, inexpensive activities that we can do together as a family.

This week, my little family went to the Minnesota State Fair! The fair has a number of deals and discounts each year, such as pre-fair discount admission tickets, Thrifty Thursday, Seniors and Kids Day, Military Appreciation Day, and Read & Ride Day when you can get discounted admission for showing your library card! And because Emma is under 5, she is free every day!

It was a memorable day and we had a wonderful time together as a family.

My 3 good things from the MN State Fair are:
  1. Emma had a great time seeing the many farm animals and hearing their different sounds.
  2. Derek got to have cheese curds, and I got to have an ice cream cone!
  3. We got a lot of exercise walking around to see all the sites, so we probably burned off the calories from the aforementioned treats. Right?

What creative "baby dates" has your family done together?


  1. Were you concerned about taking your daughter to the fair with all the talk swine flu recently?

  2. Thank you for your question. I did see an article in the Star Tribune and I know there has been a lot of discussion surrounding swine flu. My husband and I had discussed it before we went to the Minnesota State Fair and wanted to avoid the swine barn. Emma did get to see (not touch) the piglets in the Miracle of Birth barn, and in the end, we did walk through the swine barn to get to the goats, which are located in the same barn as the pigs. Our whole family, including Emma, washed our hands with soap and water after visiting the animals.
